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Additional disclosure for Forbes 2023 Top RIA Firms Award

Evoke Advisors (“Evoke”) is not affiliated with Forbes or SHOOKResearch, LLC (“SHOOK”) and has not received compensation from nor providedcompensation to Forbes or SHOOK. This ranking should not be interpreted as an endorsementand no ranking or award implies any level of skill or training. The ranking isnot indicative of Evoke’s past or future performance. The opinions of clientswho responded to any surveys included in the rankings may not be representativeof the experience of other clients.  

Forbes’ list was compiled by SHOOK, which uses quantitativeand qualitative data, including interviews, to rank member firms. SHOOKperforms deep due diligence as the basis for its rankings. The Forbes rankingof America’s Top RIA Firms, developed by SHOOK Research, is based on analgorithm of qualitative criteria, mostly gained through telephone, virtual andin-person due diligence interviews, and quantitative data. The algorithm weighsfactors like revenue trends, assets under management, compliance records,industry experience and those that encompass best practices and approach toworking with clients. Portfolio performance is not a criterion due to varyingclient objectives and lack of audited data. Neither Forbes nor SHOOK receive afee in exchange for rankings. SHOOK scours the financial services industry fornominations. SHOOK accepts advisors who meet pre-determined minimum thresholdsand acceptable compliance records. As of this date, SHOOK has received nearly 42,643nominations—advisors who meet SHOOK’s thresholds. 23,100 of these nominees havetaken an online survey. SHOOK Research creates rankings of role models—firmsthat are leading the way in offering best practices and providing ahigh-quality experience for clients. A focus on both quantitative andqualitative factors, including telephone and in-person meetings, is imperative.For more details on the ranking methodology, please visit: Methodology: America’s Top RIA Firms 2023 (

Ranking DisclosureS

Evoke Wealth, LLC (“Evoke”) is not affiliated with any of the organizations listed and has not received compensation from nor provided compensation to any of these organizations. None of these rankings should be interpreted as endorsements and no ranking or award implies any level of skill or training. The rankings are not indicative of Evoke’s past or future performance. The opinions of clients who responded to any surveys included in the rankings may not be representative of the experience of other clients.  

The Barron’s Top RIA Firms rankings are based on data provided by over 4,000 of the nation's most productive advisors. Factors included in the rankings: assets under management, revenue produced for the firm, regulatory record, technology spending, staff diversity, succession planning, quality of practice and philanthropic work. Investment performance isn't an explicit component because not all advisors have audited results and because performance figures often are influenced more by clients' risk tolerance than by an advisor's investment-picking abilities. Barron’s is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, L.P. All rights reserved.

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